Let’s improve the way your business spends money and tracks transactions.
Simplify corporate spending with the One Card program. We’ve partnered with Elan Financial Services to give you a web-based solution to manage and track the way your business spends money. This user-friendly solution was designed to meet the complex needs of virtually any size organization. It’s like a project management system that provides insights, informing your business decisions to improve your bottom line. Simplify corporate spending with the One Card program. We’ve partnered with Elan Financial Services to give you a web-based solution to manage and track the way your business spends money. This user-friendly solution was designed to meet the complex needs of virtually any size organization. It’s like a project management system that provides insights, informing your business decisions to improve your bottom line.

Proactively managing your payment solutions can reduce your operating costs and simplify the way you do business.
- Scheduled and interactive reporting
- Cost allocation
- Expense analysis
- Account system integration for all transaction data
Use One Card to take your business to the next level with these features.
Simplify accounting and improve accuracy
Manage and control accounts online in real time. Standard, easily customizable reports cut costs and streamline accounting processes. You’ll limit errors from manual data entry and use your time more strategically.
Built-in file extraction capabilities make it easy to import Visa commercial transactions to your general ledger and accounts payable systems. Employees benefit from the expense-reporting feature, which lets them quickly create reports from automatic card transaction retrieval. This also reduces accounting hours spent reconciling purchasing data.
Manage, track, and consolidate spending
Specify dates, departments and other options for customized spending analysis. Online, interactive reports allow you to view information in high-level spending summaries, or by individual transaction. Summarize spending from multiple departments then automatically
consolidate data and distribute information to your key managers throughout the organization.
Use built-in, customizable reports to detail your company transactions into six categories:
- Spending analysis
- Travel management
- Program administration
- Exception situations
- Tax reporting
- Fleet services
Use insights to negotiate better pricing. You can review your company’s spending with key suppliers and use the information to effectively negotiate discounts or better rates.
Monitor and ensure compliance
Determine where your employees are spending by merchant type or location and identify when non-preferred vendors are used. Reporting helps to keep travel, entertainment, and purchasing expenditures under control.
Streamline development and implementation
Complete your entire implementation process, from application to receipt of cards, in approximately four weeks. Then get ongoing account maintenance from experienced account managers to keep your program running smoothly.