Ever been confused when you use your debit card?

If you’ve ever wondered whether to select debit or credit, US Debit or Visa Debit, then read on!
When using an EMV chip card, you may be prompted to select US Debit or Visa Debit.
• Selecting “Visa Debit” or “Credit” means the transaction will run as credit.
• To be prompted to enter a PIN, you should select “US Debit” or “Debit.”
Here’s additional information about our debit cards.
Running as debit:
• Requires you type in your four-digit PIN number.
• It’s the only way to get cash back (with no ATM fees).
• Purchase amounts automatically deduct from your account.
Running as credit:
• Transactions run this way will most likely not come out of your account immediately but will be charged in a batch when the store closes, though this varies by merchant.
• Using credit can be safer because a PIN number is not required.
Either option you choose – thanks to Visa’s Zero Liability Policy – you won’t be held responsible for unauthorized charges. You can breathe easy, knowing you’re protected if your card is lost, stolen, or fraudulently used – online or offline.