- Experience
- In the banking industry since 1996
- Specialties
- FHA Loan Programs, First-Time Homebuyer Loans, Home Equity Line of Credit, Home Loans, Lot Loans, Notary, Refinance
- History
- Branch Manager
- Consumer Lender
- Mortgage Processor
- Credit Card Manager
- Assistant Manager
- Customer Service Representative
- Education
- Mortgage Lending SchoolOhio Bankers League
- Branch Manager CertificationOhio Bankers League
- Blythe School of BankingOhio Bankers League
- Consumer Lending SchoolOhio Bankers League
- Licking Valley High School
- Involvement
- Financial Literacy Teacher, Volunteer for Licking County Schools
- Hanover/Toboso/Licking Valley Alumni Association, Vice President
- Licking Knox Goodwill, Vice President
- Look Up Center, Volunteer

I want to help you with your financial goals. You can count on me to be available when you need me – I’m only a call, text or email away.