Simplify recurring payments and payroll services with automated clearing house (ACH), an electronic system for processing payments. Using ACH is a smart way to maximize your business’s cash position while reducing paperwork and processing costs.
ACH is simple. This Internet-based system allows the creation of ACH files that are presented to the bank for further transmission through the Federal Reserve’s ACH network. Transactions occur rapidly, eliminating “float.” With ACH, regular, predictable payments can be completed more reliably, and more cost effectively, through automation.
Use ACH for electronic funding of debit or credit items anywhere in the United States.
Automation saves labor costs and decreases paperwork. Any recurring payments can be made easier and more cost efficient. Concentrating funds helps streamline businesses, especially those with branches or franchise locations.
Make payment processing more efficient for you, your employees, and your clients. Simplify payroll and accounting services with uses like these:
- Direct deposit of payroll
- Electronic payment of federal/state taxes
- Direct payments
- Electronic federal tax payments system (EFTSP)
- Government payments
- Collection of payments or dues